Jonah Raydio

189 Jake Fogelnest in [YOURNAMEHERE]FM



Sup? This week ex-Squirt TV host, satellite radio disc jockey and current superstar writer Jake Fogelnest joins the ‘cast. Jake has a real deep understanding of just what exactly music news is as an art form and where it still has yet to go. A real professional, that guy, despite the fact that he pronounces the title of televisions’ Love Island as if it were a punk band from the 14th arrondissement. The theme this week was to build your own JackFM/HankFM/etc style of radio station. Nail your theme and name it before rolling your first track. We kinda nailed it this week, but let us know what you think. Plus, a twist! Jonah is in Arlington VA on Sept 27/28. Guest list entry for any and all Discord employees. Jake wants to plug the 2 disc special edition of the films of Sarah Jacobson; Mary Janes Not A Virgin Anymore + I Was A Teenage Serial Killer available for pre-order now.SHWONGGGSBe Positives-Trouble GirlKay Flow and Cap- 96 Intellect Gnarshmellow- Trash Pile