Suspending The Rules

North Carolina Election Draws National Attention



A special election in North Carolina is being watched as a potential bellwether for the 2020 campaign. The state’s 9th Congressional District will vote on Sept. 10 to fill a vacant seat in the House after the 2018 results were nullified following evidence of absentee ballot fraud.  On this episode of “Suspending the Rules” from Bloomberg Government, BGOV campaigns and elections reporter Greg Giroux and Andrew Ballard, a staff correspondent based in Raleigh, break down the race between Democrat Dan McCready and Republican Dan Bishop. Contact the BGOV podcast team at Listen and subscribe to Suspending the Rules from your mobile device: Via Apple Podcasts | Via Overcast | Via Stitcher | Via Spotify Hosts: Adam M. Taylor, Danielle ParnassEngineer: Nico Anzalotta