Growing Pains Podcast

#10 How to Convince Leadership to Experiment & Make Big Bets | David McIninch



Today on the Growing Pains podcast we have David McIninch. David is the Sr. VP, of Strategy & Marketing at Fiserv a successful B2B Fintech Startup. He was also the VP of Marketing for Jobber where he grew customer acquisition by 300% annually David was also the Chief Revenue Officer at Acquisio an SEM ad management platform that was acquired by I invited David to the show today, not only because he’s one of the savviest marketers I’ve spoken to, but also because he has a deep understanding of how to persuade leadership teams to make big bets like multi-million dollar radio campaigns or make sizeable investments in events. The biggest takeaways from me on this episode aren’t spoon-fed tactics but how David is able to navigate the tricky waters as a marketing leader to convince his leadership team that they’ll need to be comfortable with tactics that aren’t easy to measure or get approved. Links: David McIninch on LinkedIn David McIninch on Twitter   I'd like to hear from you: What topics shou