Ledtalk With Pixelflex

AV in Airports Makes for Soaring Revenue and Happy Fliers with David Venus of PixelFLEX LED



For something as ubiquitous as air travel, the stress of the airport process is inescapable. Delayed flights, long wait times, luggage fees– they’re part of the flying experience that don’t seem to be going anywhere, and it’s leaving travelers unhappy. A 2017 Kelton Global survey claimed 97 percent of passengers had some issue with the airport process and experience. How do you begin to approach these staggering numbers? One approach, which hits on aesthetic and practical solutions, is robust digital signage. “LED displays are really enabling airports in the world of creativity,” said David Venus, PixelFLEX CMO. In this podcast from MarketScale Pro AV, Venus breaks down the ways visual displays can change the entire airport experience for the better. Not only can digital signage be used for way-finding and emergency situations, easing the navigational stress of an airport, but it can be used to visually transform an airport’s appearance. Immersive digital experiences and digital art give travelers something