Damn Chocobo: Another Final Fantasy Podcast

Damn Chocobo Ep. 33: Final Fantasy VI Part 2



The boys and RETURNING SPECIAL GUEST SUPER PIMP STEVE continue with FFVI's gang of misfits on their journey to kick a clown in the balls. Along the way we meet a pretty lady who is as good with a sword as she is with her mouth and an annoying wildman we would rather forget about, as well as do some Opera singing, train suplexing, get told off by a grouchy old guy, and talk way to much about Jurassic Park. All this and more on the latest spoilerific episode of Daaaaaamn Chocoboooooooooooooo! Long may he reign! Feel free to contact us a damnchocobo@gmail.com or check out our progress at the website www.damnchocobo.com Music for this episode - Intro: Jurassic Park - Theme Song (Metal / Rock) Cover by RockGuitar7X Interlude: Techno de Chocobo from FFVI OST Outro: Forever Fades Away by Tiger Army