Healthy Births, Happy Babies

006: How to Prepare for a Successful VBAC | Dr. Capetanakis & Care Messer



Guests: Dr. Capetanakis and Care Messer In this episode, we will cover: 1) The history of C-Section and why it has become so prevalent in the US today. 2) What are the real risks and dangers a woman must consider when trying for a VBAC or Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. 3) What Dr. Cap and Care believe a woman must do in order to prepare herself for a VBAC and be successful in labor and delivery. 4) A list of resources to get more information about VBAC. Resources mentioned in the conversation: ● ●      A list of all the birth classes offered: Cap Wellness Center Classes ●      A library of informational videos about pregnancy and birth: Cap Wellness YouTube Channel Bios: Full Bios can be read here Dr. Capetanakis is Board Certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the owner/founder of the Cap Wellness Center. He received his medical degree from Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific so Along with all the requirem