Healthy Births, Happy Babies

021: What is Hypnobirthing? (and What It's NOT) | Care Messer



Guest: Care Messer In this episode, we will cover: an explanation of what Hypnobirthing REALLY is and why so many women use it in their labor why Hypnobirthing works so well helping women to have easier, more peaceful and more powerful births how Hypnobirthing techniques can help strengthen the bond you have with your baby (and your partner) Resources mentioned in the conversation: A list of all the birth classes offered: Cap Wellness Center Classes   Bio: her Full Bio can be read here Care Messer is a founder of the Cap Wellness Center as well as the owner/founder of the Birth Education Center and San Diego HypnoBirthing. She became a doula under the instruction of Gerri Ryan through DONA, went on to become certified in HypnoBirthing and has taught HypnoBirthing since 2009. She is a Certified Hypnotherapist through NATH and is also a Certified Placenta Encapsulationist. She trained with ICEA to become certified as an int