Silver Linings

Ep. 1 – Music: the Chord that Runs Through My Life



Join Karen for the premiere of Silver Linings as she welcomes her first guest, Lynn Swanson, Founder of The Worship Keyboardist, and and how the path of her life led Lynn to start her company, The Worship Keyboardist. Music has been part of Lynn Swanson’s life from the time of her youth. She took piano lessons for six years growing up but never liked it much, and her mom “let her off the hook.” In high school Lynn sang with different school groups and even had some high profile gigs in the Minneapolis area. At age 19 she attended a new church in north Minneapolis. “They basically tossed me up on the piano and said, ‘You’re our music director!’”  From this scary but thrilling experience, Lynn learned how to play by chord. Listen to hear the rest of the story, and how the path of her life led Lynn to start her company, The Worship Keyboardist. Lynn Swanson, Founder. Find out more about Lynn by visiting her website, or connecting with her on Facebo