Silver Linings

Ep. 9 – Your Face: A Road Map of Who You Are with Julie Parker



For years, Julie Parker worked in the corporate world as an analyst in the oil and gas industry. A few years ago she began searching for a new career direction when she stumbled upon the concept of face reading. Julie had thought about becoming a nutritional coach based on a long-time interest in food and health. She was taking classes toward that goal when one of her fellow classmates led her to the website of a face reader. Julie's interest was piqued and she scheduled a reading with the woman. She submitted the required information and said, "Holy Cow! What came back was crazy!" The face reader "enlightened me about so many questions I had for decades!" Julie attended the woman's four-day workshop and soon after, a six-day intensive training. When she returned from training, Julie was laid off the contract job she had at the time. She saw it as "a kick in the pants" to start her own face reading business. Listen to Julie talk about her experience running her own business as she adjusted to the changes from