Happy Healthy Minds Podcast With Sarah Swanton

EP. 30 Is It Possible To Launch Without Burnout?



This week on the podcast, I talk about launching, as I ask the question: is it possible to launch without burning out?  I’m at a stage in my business, where I’m about to launch an online programme that I’ve been planning and creating this year, and it’s the first time I’ve launched anything properly, in any kind of process-driven way. Exciting times!  So, I’ve been following Kathryn Hocking’s Ecourse Launch Formula, where she teaches step by step how to create, launch and deliver your Ecourse, which is exactly what I needed - the 'how to' strategy behind the world of e-courses.  As I approach this launch phase, (or pre-launch) phase, one of the questions I’m interested in exploring, is whether it's possible to launch without burning out? Listen in on this week's podcast to see what my plan is to explore exactly that. Links mentioned: https://.happyhealthyentrepreneur.com/comingsoon https://www.instagram.com/happyhealthyentrepreneur/ with #launchwithoutburnout www.kathrynhocking.com