Happy Healthy Minds Podcast With Sarah Swanton

Ep36: Fear Of Putting Yourself Out There



Ahh! So lovely to be back after the summer break. Over the next few episodes, I’m going to be addressing questions that I see coming up for entrepreneurs and small business owners both in my 1:1 clients and in conversations with peers and other business owners. This week I’m going to talk about fear of putting yourself out there in the world of social media marketing. Offering up some fresh new perspective on how you view fear, anxiety and resistance, that *might* just make all the difference to how you feel when you show up next time. If you’d like me to address an issue that is getting in your way of making progress in your business or stealing enjoyment from your days working for yourself, let me know, the chances are others will benefit from that too - just pop it on https://www.facebook.com/HappyHealthyEntrepreneur/ and I’d be happy to create a podcast which speaks directly to that issue. I have one or two to go at, one but I’d love some more, please! This week I'm chatting about about fear, resi