Happy Healthy Minds Podcast With Sarah Swanton

EP39 Your Thoughts Are Not A 'Call To Action'



The Happy Healthy Entrepreneur podcast is all about supporting entrepreneurs, from all walks of life and at all stages in this business, who’ve had enough of the work all hours, keep striving for more – messages out there, and are really looking (searching even) for a fresh, new way of approaching their business, and life (we can’t separate the two), so they can get back to that feeling they had in mind, all along really, when they decided to venture into self-employment. If there’s one thing that I hope for in these podcasts, it’s to help you have the realisation that you don’t need to do anywhere near as much thinking, worrying, and busying yourself as much as you think you do – and that can have an incredible impact on the life that you live, both inside and out. This week’s topic is entitled Thoughts are Not a Call To Action, and this is something I am seeing for myself more and more over the past 18 months since coming across this inside out understanding, which forms the basis of the work I do with gr