Own Your Life Podcast With Bradley Grinnen

Episode 21 -How to Be Your Own Hero



Your life is your story.  In your story, only you can be the hero.  No one else can do that for you. Others can help, guide, mentor, coach or support you, but they are the hero of their own story, not yours.  When you accept that you are the only one who can play that critical role in your life, pathways open that can take you almost anywhere you want to go. Be Your Own Hero reveals the major scenes that play out in act 1, 2, and 3.  Once you know exactly where you are in your particular story, you can identify what must come next for you in order to be the hero and move forward with the particular storyline that you are a part of at present.  Whether its work, relationships, family or major life struggles, once you know what must come next you have the confidence to proceed.  You also become aware that there is more going on to life than meets the eye and learn how to move in this world in a way that is uniquely your own