Own Your Life Podcast With Bradley Grinnen

Episode 43 - What To Do When You Don't Clearly Know Your Purpose



Do you ever get tired of hearing people talk about 'finding your purpose', especially if you don't know yours or you're unclear about it?  Do you feel pressure or even lost because you aren't clear about your purpose?  Have you ever wondered if there is something wrong with you or that maybe you're broken because you can't clearly state what your purpose in life is? It seems like everyone today is talking about 'discovering your purpose' and yet actually doing that can be so elusive.  It's like everyone is quoting scenes from Forrest Gump, but you haven't seen it yet.What if you could find the direction and meaning that comes from knowing your purpose and elevates your life?In this episode I offer you freedom from the massive internal pressure that is attached to this mandate.  Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore this