Lyons Radio Network

Bimini Wall, Road to Atlantis on The Mind Twist



Whether the rock formation is caused by natural phenomenon or it is a man-made structure, is not understood. While many people think it to be the outcome of tessellated pavement, the flat rocks which are cut at right angles do not seem to be formed naturally.The road that stretches for about half a mile has a pronounced hook at the end, The definite bend is proof that the stones are not accumulated by the whims of nature, but are a part of a well-engineered road that was constructed by man ages ago..In this prediction that was made in 1927, Edgar Cayce had mentioned that the discovery can be expected to happen during ’68 or ’69. It was in 1968 when subsea archaeologist Joseph Mason and his team discovered the paved pathway under the water. Greg Little, an amateur archaeologist has discovered a second row of rocks right below the first one in the same formation. Although the rocks are submerged in the water, the Bimini Road can be spotted in the satellite pictures as well. Radiocarbon test of the rocks have fo