Lyons Radio Network

The Party Line -"Oh Lucy! You Have Some 'Splainin To Do!"



Are you a Lucy fan? Do you have a favorite episode? Are you just a lucy every day? Call in and tell us!  “Hello friends. I’m your Vitameatavegamin girl. Are you tired, run-down, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Are you unpopular? The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle. Yes. Vitameatavegain. Vitameatavegamin contains vitamins, meat, vegtables and minerals. With Vitameatagegamin you can spoon your way to health. All you do is take a big tablesppon after every meal. It’s so tasty, too: it tastes like candy. So why don’t you join the thousand of happy, peppy people and buy a gret big bottle of Vitameatavegamin tomorrow? That’s Vitameatavegamin.