20-20 Women Lead Podcast

「被指派任務,我一定會去問是不是還有更好的解法」 - 專訪美國數位行銷分析師 Sharon 翟翎琇



Digital marketing (數位行銷)、Customer-centered (以客戶為中心)、Data-driven (數據驅動) 這些近年來熱門的行銷概念到底是什麼? 為何聽起來朗朗上口的概念,但實際上很難落地?為何組織間的橫向整合對行銷很重要?要如何在大型企業裡透過團隊協作和批判思考等心態去建立在自己在職場的不可替代性? 這集節目我們邀請到Sharon 翟翎琇,她畢業於西北大學整合營銷研究所,曾於 Gap 服飾集團旗下的女性品牌 Athleta 擔任首席行銷組合分析師,現任UBER Regional manager,負責美國、拉丁美洲與印度的行銷業務。 在這集節目中,Sharon 除了分享在美國數位行銷的秘辛,她也將藉由個人在產業裡的學習和經驗,告訴大家如何找出自己的熱情與職場定位、設立職涯目標。 In this episode, we invited Sharon Chai, a Marketing Analytics graduate from Northwestern University.  She is currently the Regional Manager at UBER, and is responsible for overseeing digital marketing for the US, Latin America, and India. Her former position was the Analytics Lead at Athleta, a women’s apparel brand under Gap, Inc.   Sharon shares her experience about why horizontal collaboration in the organization is especially important for her as a digital marketer, and what are the challenges for her to achieve the goal of “Customer-centric and Data-Driven” in the field of digital marketing? “Life is about opening your heart, having it get stone on,