Your Birth, Your Worth Podcast

Darcy Rode the Breast Express to the March for Moms - Ep 08



In honor of World Doula Week, Darcy shares her experience at the March for Moms in Washington D.C in 2018. Darcy describes her last-minute decision to hop onboard an RV dedicated to breastfeeding (pumpspotting’s Breast Express) for the all-night ride to Washington DC. She talks about the excitement and energy at the March, as well as the heaviness related to the United States’ increasing maternal mortality rate. Darcy and Taylor talk about the need to raise awareness about this major problem, institutional racism in maternity care, and the importance of prenatal and postpartum support for mothers and families. Key Takeaway: The United States is currently experiencing a crisis in maternity care. There is major change and overhaul that needs to happen within the system. While not the sole answer to this problem, doula care during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is an essential piece of the puzzle in providing expert care, attention, education and information to new mothers and families. Highlights: Darcy’s jo