Your Birth, Your Worth Podcast

The Patriarchy, Birth, and Postpartum – Ep 15



How deeply does the patriarchy affect parents, the birthing process, and postpartum? In this episode, Taylor and Darcy sit down and discuss how patriarchal mindsets are ingrained within society and how it is harming pregnant women. This topic recently came to light as the media has become increasingly critical over Meghan Markle’s pregnancy, the choices surrounding her birth, outfit choices, nail polish colors, and more. This critical view of pregnancy is also reflected in how the medical industry looks down upon doulas, midwives, and birthing parents who choose to have home births. These attitudes and aggressions show how women are distrusted and questioned throughout the birthing process. Unfortunately, pregnant parents are often seen only as vessels and their wellbeing isn’t taken into account. One reason why these mindsets have become so ingrained may be due to the patriarchy trying to seize power that women naturally have to bring forth and nurture children. Key Takeaway: We live in a patriarchal society