Your Birth, Your Worth Podcast

VBAC Fears: 5 Steps to Uncover and Manage your VBAC Fears - Ep 21



In today’s episode, Taylor offers her 5 steps to overcoming and managing your VBAC fears. After seeing the popularity of the previous VBAC episodes, Taylor decided to devote an entire episode to make sure you all felt prepared when planning your next VBAC. We seem to forget that it is absolutely normal to get scared sometimes. It’s necessary for our evolution and personal development to experience fear and anxiety after/before stressful situations. That being said, we do have a responsibility to process this pain it in order to manage it and eventually grow from it. Giving yourself permission to take the time to face these fears is no simple feat though. It takes time, love, and patience to step into those thoughts. But, by following Taylor’s steps, you can begin your journey to start working on those fears, eventually breaking them down, and reclaiming the joy associated with giving birth.   In this episode, Taylor will focus on how to process your VBAC fears, how to manage them, and how to create your own “