Empowered At Last With Ron Baker

EAL 016: The Importance of a Learning Curve



It is amazing how often conflict occurs in relationships because people unconsciously want others to be like them—validating who they are and the choices that they make. This will never make for a healthy relationship. When you learn how to make the conscious choices that truly matter to you as an individual, you set yourself up well. When you take the time to become aware of those choices in yourself, you begin to inspire yourself to move toward life in a clear way—rather than being caught up in fearful choices that you think are required or that you think will please others. When you don’t take the time to become aware of self in this way, you will likely find that you give others the job of validating you or playing their part in the game you have set up. Please see me the way I want to be seen. Please tell me that my choices are the right ones. This will never make for a healthy relationship.  Find out in today’s episode what the healthy alternatives are that will set you up well!