Ai: Irl

18. What Conducting Orchestras Can Teach You About AI w/ Lukáš Kovařík



What can conducting a symphony orchestra teach you about AI? Plenty, according to Lukáš Kovařík, symphony orchestra conductor and CEO & Founder of the AI consulting firm Bohemian AI. Kovařík was a guest at our latest AI: IRL podcast. AI hype is everywhere. For Kovařík the problem is baked into the name itself. You don’t often hear someone in any industry begging for the creation of a standards board to give needed transparency, but that’s what Kovařík believes will help educate the marketplace. He wishes for truth in labeling that would let AI customers know exactly what they’re buying with industry standards that everyone agreed were tested and independent. People can’t tell the difference between real AI and fake AI. They need to have marketing that’s grounded in reality.