Paradox East

How to stop Gentrification



CEO of "Buy the block" stops by to talk about how we can invest in real estate and stop gentrification. Please excuse the technical difficulties near the end of the episode. visit Buy The Block is a nationwide concept that allows groups and individuals anywhere to pool funds, share knowledge, vote on property to invest and effectively manage investments. It will help all of us become better real estate investors. Our vision is to change investing from confusing and frustrating, to an accessible and enjoyable social experience. We want to create a new generation of connected investors who feel informed empowered, and confident.​ Your contribution will help us create our website and app, in return we'll help you buy a piece of your first block. ​Right now, we are on raising $100,000. This start-up capital will cover the costs of developing, deploying our community website and, mobile app , bringing Buy The Block operation the next level.