Ponderings From The Perch

Priscilla and Bob Ferro Have a Very Particular Set of Skills



For the sesquicentennial episode of Ponderings from the Perch, Momma Bird Priscilla McKinney and special guest Bob Ferro dig down to the core of talent acquisition in the Market Research field. Ferro is the Managing Director at Trusted Talent, which specializes in executive recruiting for market research and insights professionals. They talk about retention of innovative employees, how the MR industry is being impacted by the gig economy, and the importance of urgency in the hiring process - across the ever-evolving landscape of market research. Bob is a regular attendee of MR conferences, and earlier this year was awarded Little Bird’s quasi-fictional “BEST SHOES” award during the Quirk’s Chicago Event.  Bob says that the combination of shared experience within Trusted Talent, in addition to face-to-face connection through various MMR events helps him better understand the kinds of people his clients are wanting to hire. Trusted Talent has a free tool to help narrow the focus for the hiring process. Che