Bedford & Sullivan Brooklyn

Ep. 23 - Rick Elliott, Family Friend of Pitcher Clem Labine



The stories pouring into the Bedford & Sullivan podcast have been fantastic, and today will be no exception. The late great Clem Labine, a pitcher on those Boys of Summer teams, was a Woonsocket, RI, native. At the age of 16 he went to work at Jacob Finklestein & Sons, a garment company owned by Rick Elliott's father, Elliott Finklestein, that eventually became the 7th largest outwear manufacturer in America. Clem and Rick's father became the best of friends, and Rick has numerous stories to tell about his childhood as, and I quote, "the most blessed child in U.S. history...not just because of Clem, but also because of an amazing dad, and all the opportunities the two dear friends saw as priceless gifts to their boys' lives." So, join us at 12PM ET for the latest edition of the Bedford & Sullivan podcast!