Beyond The Gate Radio

Psychic Medium Sandi Gilbert on Beyond The Gate Radio



PSYCHIC MEDIUM SANDI GILBERT - I would like to help people make a connection with their families, friends & pets that are no longer with them.  We all need some type of Closure to move on... Below are some of my Gifts/Abilities that I use to aid in the Closure process. I am North American Indian: My abilities do run in my biological family. Clairvoyance - Clear Vision: Pictures & Images - I see "them" as clear reflections like when you see images on your TV when it's turned off - that is how I see your loved ones.   Clairsentience - Clear Feeling: Personality of your loved ones or spirits.  Clairclognizance - Clear Knowing: Images come to me at "warp" speed.  Clairaudient - Clear Hearing: Music - Ringing -Voices - regardless of what Language(s) they speak - it comes to me in English.