Beyond The Gate Radio

ANDREW BREWER Psychic on Beyond The Gate Radio



Labeled “The Rock n Roll Psychic” due to his many clients in the music industry, Andrew has advised major players from Hollywood to Wall  Street and his client list, past and present, includes Actors and Directors, Recording Stars (from L.A. to Nashville, San Francisco to Berlin) and business executives, internationally known super-models,  NFL Cheerleaders and professional athletes in both the NFL and the NBA.  Andrew has hundreds of appearances to his credit on both radio and television, perhaps most notably as the featured psychic and co-host, along with Erik Estrada (“Chips”) and Jenilee Harrison (“Three’s Company"), of “Kebrina’s Psychic Answer”,which aired throughout the  United States and Canada from 1992-94. Andrew is currently host of "The Alchemical Heart" with co-host Alicia  Kent, on "Rock 'n Roll Psychic Radio".