Beyond The Gate Radio

SHARON KINCAID Southern Atlantic Paranormal



   Sharon Kincaid is the founder of Southern Atlantic Paranormal based out of Lexington SC. Sharon started her journey into the paranormal at a very young age and has been looking for answers very since. She has made it her quest in life to be there for others so that they do not feel they that are alone like she was. Even though she knew she was helping others she felt something was missing on her journey, so she asked GOD "I know this is what I want to do but I feel I am missing what it is you need me to do. Can you please help me so that I am on the path that you need me and want me to be on." This lead Sharon to studying the darker side of the paranormal. She has been studying demonology and spiritual warfare since 2009. She says " we all need to stand and fight for the light because darkness is at every corner and it is looking for ways to enter our lives.' Sharon is a co-host on a popular Blog Talk Radio show called PSI FI RADIO, along with her other co-host Donna Stewart and Kristal Preston. They bel