Beyond The Gate Radio

RITA DAVIS Spirit Medium, Empath, Shustah Card Reader



RITA DAVIS is a Professional Psychic, Spiritual Medium, Clairvoyant, Empath, Clairsentient, Poet, Lightworker and Shustah Card Reader with over 40 years of experience. Rita was given her Psychic Gift after an Out of Body Experience (OBE), when hit by a truck at the age of 8 years old. Since practicing her psychic work, she has been featured in the Atlanta Newspaper on cases of missing children. Rita had dreams of both her brother's and mother's deaths three months before they occurred. Frustrated with her abilities, she shut them down for a long time until one day a family friend came up missing and she prayed to get her psychic powers back. The next day she had a vision and located the missing friend. Join us to find out more about Rita and call in for a mini reading.