Beyond The Gate Radio

Game of One: The Movie Interview



In a world where the film industry is fascinated with making doom and gloom end of the world films, we here at Global Stage Project are dedicated to making films that give a whole new meaning as well as other options to this "END OF THE WORLD" scenario for a better and brighter future.   The ‘Game Of One’ film is about an interactive computer tarot game that gives anyone access to a path of transition, (revolution of the mind), as it offers individuals the choice of self-awakening and a clear path to a multidimensional world where pure knowledge of creation is perused in beauty beyond comprehension.   In an effort to change the stereotype of typical Hollywood films, producers Tamid and Maya are looking to bring to life a creative experience that will encourage the growth of human consciousness around the planet. Ignited into action by a mysterious set of Tarot cards left in the hands of Maya, a magical, mysterious adventure has been born out of a true story and woven into a brilliant sci-fi film for mains