Beyond The Gate Radio

Sasquatch Researcher Will Jevning on Beyond the Gate Radio



William Jevning is a researcher of Sasquatch, otherwise known as Bigfoot.  He is also author of several books on the subject including Notes from the Field, Tracking North America’s Sasquatch.  His interest started at age 14. He says: I was 14 years old during December 1972, when a friend and I came upon large manlike footprints in the snow while we were walking to another of our friend’s homes. When we got to our friend John Adam's house we were very upset by what we had seen, his father told us to take him to where we found the footprints, he took a gun and camera, and after taking photographs of the tracks told us what he thought had made them. We had never heard the term "Bigfoot" or "Sasquatch" before, and the idea that 7 foot hairy monsters roamed the forests near where we lived grabbed our imaginations. We went to John's house every weekend for months and had long discussions about these creatures, and went looking in the forests often, but we never saw anything more and soon forgot mostly about them.