Beyond The Gate Radio

Medium Melanie Runyan Dedication Show on Beyond the Gate Radio



This show is dedicated to our friend and previous guest Melanie Runyan who recently passed away.  Our show will be hosted by David and Cheryll Baker and Kevin Schoeppel.  Below is her biography. Melanie Runyan has been a gifted clairvoyant medium from birth. Her small-town upbringing gives her a straightforward, warm and intimate way of relating to her sitters. The precise information which she gives them has become the basis for healing of relationship issues between living persons and those who have passed on. Melanie is featured in the book The Bible: The Truth About Psychics & Spiritual Gifts by Kevin Schoeppel for the healing of the relationship between Kevin and his father, and wrote the foreword to his book as well. She lives in Kingman, AZ with her husband Byron.