Beyond The Gate Radio

Medium MARK ANTHONY on Beyond the Gate radio



Mark Anthony, “The Psychic Lawyer®” is a fourth generation psychic medium and a successful criminal trial attorney.  As a medium, and as an Oxford educated attorney, Mark always “follows the evidence,” whether in a criminal trial or when helping those seeking connections with loved ones in spirit. His point of view is clearly unique. His bestselling and critically acclaimed book, Never Letting Go, helps those suffering from grief heal by providing evidence of the Afterlife. A natural story teller, Mark engages readers, of all faiths with hope, inspiration and comfort. Mark has served as an on-air legal commentator for news networks. As “The Psychic Lawyer®,” he has appeared on TV and radio nationwide. He has lectured at Harvard and Brown and Yale. “Grief leads to Crime which leads to Grief.” One of Mark’s signature theories is unresolved grief can lead to criminal acts, which in turn, inflicts grief upon others. Helping people successfully deal with loss helps society as a whole. Understanding cr