Beyond The Gate Radio

SHAMAN RAI- Medium, Medical Intuitive, Healer & Channel on Beyond the Gate Radio



Psychic Shaman Rai is a medium, medical intuitive and healer.  He also channels messages from the Beings of Light, Ascended Masters and Archangels. Shaman Rai is clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and empathic.  He receives messages through sight, hearing, intuition and experiencing them in his own body. His psychic ability allows him to see into the past, present and future.  He provides information about those who are alive or deceased. He can see the condition of the body and identify the underlying physical or emotional issues.  As appropriate, he brings in Divine energies to initiate a physical, emotional or spiritual healing process. Shaman Rai has a Ph.D. in psychology and a doctorate in naturopathy.  He is certified in Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy and hypnosis.  He is also a Kriyaban with the Self-Realization Fellowship which was established by his Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda. Shaman Rai applies his broad range of knowledge and experience in his work. website: http://shama