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GIP#007 Creating a Self-Directed, Self-Managing Organization



If you could look down on most businesses you would witness crab like movement. Never moving consistently in one direction. Instead each leg has a mind of its own with the result the company never harnesses its resources to achieve objectives. Main Topics: Self-Directed and Self-Managed organizations require a real-time measurement system. Think like an Executive, not an Owner. The job is not to do the work of others, rather holding your direct reports (managers) accountable for earning their checks. Supervisors are to manage the people doing the work by established processes and measured on efficiency. Managers are to manage supervisors by how well they enforced or improved processes and measured on results. The Owner’s job was to pay attention to the near future by looking for threats and opportunities to prosper regardless of uncontrollable events. The Owner created a culture of performance, results, and teamwork. The highest honor in the company was to become the Friday Quarterback to Cali