Morning Short

"The Happy Failure" By Herman Melville [10]



Love our shorts? Share them (and earn swag) at Enjoy This Morning's Amazing short story. Morning Short produces one short audiobook every morning. Get your daily story via email: ( Melville is best-known for his sea tale "Moby Dick", so it's apt that this short story takes place on a smaller body of water. Melville's character-building dialogue is expert here, as is his suspense-building. Some of the language is a bit racially charged, but bear in mind that this was more normal when this story was written, in the 1850s. -----What is Morning Short? ------- Morning Short is a podcast/newsletter that shares one short story every morning. Our stories are like little audiobooks, and feature everything from romance, to sci-fi thrillers, to drama, and even detective/crime fiction. We sometimes even welcome special guests to our story, like Sherlock Holmes, everyone's favorite sleuth (or at least ours). Other popular genres are fantasy, comedy, satire, and t