Morning Short

“The Street” By H.P Lovecraft (Warning - Read Description) [19]



QUICK WARNING: This story was described by scholars as "manifestly racist". So, why am I sharing it with you? First of all, it's an interesting read. Second of all, the views that inspired this story should seem rather familiar to anyone following the news closely these days. In fact, stories like these have recently stirred debate over how Lovecraft should be discussed in the modern era. This story led me to reflect on the phrase "history repeats itself" and how we can prevent ourselves from falling into the same age-old traps that led us to horridly oppress entire classes of immigrants when this story was written, nearly 100 years ago. Love our shorts? Share them (and earn swag) at Enjoy This Morning's Amazing short story. Morning Short produces one short audiobook every morning. Get your daily story via email: ( -----What is Morning Short? ------- Morning Short is a podcast/newsletter that shares one short story every morning. Our stories are like