Morning Short

“The Carnivore” By Katherine MacLean [37]



This is the tale of an alien invasion, but it's more a tale of humanity and its destructive potential. With a deep critique of human institutions, and a shocking ending, this is a fine example of the science fiction that defined Katherine MacLean's career. Love our shorts? Share them (and earn swag) at Enjoy This Morning's Amazing short story. Morning Short produces one short audiobook every morning. Get your daily story via email: ( -----What is Morning Short? ------- Morning Short is a podcast/newsletter that shares one short story every morning. Our stories are like little audiobooks, and feature everything from romance, to sci-fi thrillers, to drama, and even detective/crime fiction. We sometimes even welcome special guests to our story, like Sherlock Holmes, everyone's favorite sleuth (or at least ours). Other popular genres are fantasy, comedy, satire, and tragedy. We even read some narrative poetry sometimes! (Some say we're a bit like Audible