Morning Short

[Friday Fave]: "The Happy Failure" By Herman Melville



Today’s episode is: a Friday replay of a wonderful story on success and morality by Herman Melville. This first aired early last year. Melville is best-known for his sea tale "Moby Dick", so it's apt that this short story takes place on a smaller body of water. Learn more: - Discuss: More Context: Melville's character-building dialogue is expert here, as is his suspense-building. Some of the language is a bit racially charged, but bear in mind that this was more normal when this story was written, in the 1850s. Story Genres: American fiction, Dialogue, suspense, drama, humor, Satire, Moralism. Famous books by Mr. Melville "Moby Dick" "Bartleby, the Scrivener" And many others. -----What is Morning Short? ------- Morning Short is a podcast and daily newsletter featuring amazing, curated short stories, handpicked for you. Our stories are like little audiobooks, and feature everything from romance, to sci-fi thrillers, to