Neurology® Podcast

August 12 2008 Issue



This Podcast for the Neurology Journal begins with Dr. John H. Noseworthy, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. John Morgan interviews Drs. Andrew Lees from UK and Regina Katzenschlager from Austria about their trial comparing three initial treatments for Parkinson disease. In this additional segment for this issue, Dr. Overman is introducing a new feature called 'e-pearls' which are brief educational points-pearls-that are often, though not necessarily always, tied to a Neurology article, podcast, or item on the website. The length of each E-Pearl is short and tailored to be read and absorbed within a few minutes. E-pearls are mailed to residents and fellows but in the future we hope to have them available on the website.The podcast concludes with a Clinical Pearl session where Dr. Ryan Overman interviews Dr. S. Nizam Ahmed. Podcast participants had nothing to disclose except for Drs. Lees and Katzenschlager. Dr. Lees received f