Affirm By Redefine Enough

ep 40 Birth Control The Pill & Holistic Alternatives



Today, we're discussing birth control. The discussion of female reproductive health is highly politicized and while we’re still fighting to have autonomy over access to healthcare for a myriad of reproductive needs… there’s another wellness issue at hand: ...miseducation or a total lack of education about the best options for our bodies. I’m specifically referring to birth control, how it works, and the tons of options that we can use naturally or through medication. Because while women’s bodies are constantly the topic of conversation, many women are sharing how they received very little education about the inner workings of their bodies outside of the “Don’t get pregnant” message pushed by parents, schools, and abstinence programs. This lack of education leads many women to not know how to advocate for their needs or have awareness of different options. And when you don’t know your body and you don’t know your options, you can’t make informed decisions about the right doctors or medications. So today, we’