My Business Podcast

Navigating your best routes to market



“You could probably make a comparison with our business to a niche coffee brand that goes out in Australia, grows very organically through finding great little cafes in different markets and putting their coffee in there. You win the hearts and minds of the owners. The consumers start liking the coffee and you gain your market share that way,” says Jared Fisher, founder of Rogue Beauty. This route to market is a strategy Jared learnt while working in the US, before returning to Sydney and establishing Rogue Beauty, a distributor of high-end hair and beauty products through hairdressing salons. Yet this is only one part of a chain of businesses in partnership for mutual benefit. Jared is also a partner with US-based Oribe Hair Care, which manufactures its own product range, in conjunction with prominent American beauty products owner Luxury Brand Partners. My Business sits down with Jared, together with Reuben Carranza, the group president of Luxury Brand Partners, to discuss: • How to break into a market agai