My Business Podcast

How exporting is driving growth for ambitious SMEs



“I’m so positive about small business that even my blood group is positive!” jokes former Australian small business minister and Efic ambassador Bruce Billson. Having operated his own family business before moving into politics, Bruce is all too familiar with the everyday challenges facing SMEs. Post-politics, he remains dedicated to advocating for them and connecting them with various support channels to keep the wheels of growth turning. He is now an ambassador for export finance agency Efic and the executive chairman of the Franchise Council of Australia, among a number of roles all geared towards assisting and encouraging Aussie SMEs. In a wide-ranging chat on the My Business Podcast, Bruce explores how business owners can better influence policymakers, his fervent support for Efic in enabling SMEs to overcome export finance barriers, and the lessons businesses can learn from his time in government. Enjoy the show!