My Business Podcast

Natasha Chadwick, Synovum Care Group



Aged care and disruption are not terms commonly found in the same sentence. Bringing them together has been a lucrative but highly challenging endeavour for Synovum Care Group’s founder Natasha Chadwick. Demonstrating that her disruptive idea in the aged care space has commercial sense and is viable long term has proved to be her biggest challenge – convincing lenders, valuers, industry leaders and even incoming staff of the value of what she is trying to achieve. “Yes, it’s a big risk, but if we don’t take the risk, who will? Someone’s got to – we’ve got to demonstrate that you can do it better,” Natasha says adamantly. Speaking exclusively on the My Business Podcast, Natasha discusses exactly how her model is changing the way aged care services are administered, keeping a tight lid on costs at a time when industry costs are soaring, and pursuing customer interests without the backing of your broader industry. Plus loads more! Enjoy the show!