Indirect Democracy

Indirect Democracy # 32 - Oct. 20, 2008



It's All About the Race - Say what you will. It's all about the economy. It's all about Iraq. It's all about Jobs. It's all about Healthcare. It's all a load of crap. We all know what this race is about. It is the sticky and sick little secret that disgraces us with its ugly head...mostly at the McCain/Palin rallies. For all our blustering and all our wishes for the better angels in ourselves, this election is all about Race and is a test of our progression to look beyond appearances to the heart and soul of what we want and who we think can lead us best. It is truly our time. It is our greatest test as a Nation. Plus, there is a reading of a Darfur blog posting by Maria Halyna, the Global Warming Update, the President's Love Horoscope, a Word from Our Newest Sponsor and, of course, the What a Weinie Award. GO VOTE on November 4th! Thanks for Listening.