Empowered Love Radio

Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story #19 Marie



This Thriver show features Marie, a mother of 5 children, who endured a 7 years relationship with a narcissist. We talk about how one of the biggest discoveries Marie made, is how co-dependent she was – and how she always had to fill her life with activities and people, and after escaping her relationship with the narcissist, how she couldn’t initially bear to be alone. During our conversation Marie shares about how working on establishing her Identity has been key, and she shares her involvement with Co-Dep (Co-dependents Anonymous) and how fascinating her children are as “a mirror” to make her recovery not just about herself, but also about them. You will also learn from this interview about Marie’s new partner, who is the father of her youngest two children, and how incredibly different the relationship is from her previous narcissistic one. To find out more about the program that helped facilitate Marie's recovery visit: www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp