Empowered Love Radio

Co-dependency Checkup - Part One



Because it is nearly the end of the year, this is a great time to reflect – to see where we are, and what we have grown through this year. I believe a big part of that is checking in with where we are at with co-dependency. Are we still handing power over to things and people outside of ourselves, or are we more anchored into our own internal solidness? “What Is co-dependency?” My definition of it is this: “trying to seek wholeness and internal peace from sources outside of self, rather than establishing those states within self”. What this means is: we can feel empty, fragmented, afraid and powerless when things don’t go right, or life hasn’t turned out the way we wanted it to. We can get panicked and feel unsafe, and in this state we can hand our power over and make repeated choices which don’t serve us. Co-dependency can be very serious. It leads us further away from integration of self (authentic powerfulness) and takes us down a slippery slope of disintegration of self (powerlessness) – especially if