Empowered Love Radio

Thriver After Narcissistic Abuse Story #22 - Yvette - same-sex abuse



This Thriver Story is about Yvette, a gay women who suffered a narcissistic relationship. I was thrilled when Yvette came forward, deeply wanting to share her story for the gay community … because over the years people have emailed and said to me “My narcissistic abuse situation with a same sex relationship, can you please write about that Melanie?”, whereas truly from what I have seen up close and personal with the numerous gay clients I have done energetic healing work with, is that same sex narcissistic dynamics are identical to heterosexual ones. My great friend Eric Casaccio the director of the movie “Narcissist” also agrees. He too reports that many people in the heterosexual community have reported to him, in his travels world-wide, the identical narcissistic abuse incidents that the gay community have experienced. What I think is wonderful, is that we now have a Thriver, Yvette, who can help gay and lesbian people identify with narcissistic abuse and recovery. Whether you are same sex orientated o