Empowered Love Radio

Thriver Story #23 Angela



This interview is about Angela's story. Angela was married for 22 years to a narcissist. She had decided, in her marriage, that this was her lot in life, and that she was going to endure for many reasons including for her children. The marriage, however, did break down, and Angela was shocked, sickened and traumatised by how she became the enemy, and was cruelly smeared and attacked by her ex-husband. Everything in Angela's life was under siege, including her children, and the high conflict divorce over a period of two years led to Angela losing her business and having to declare herself bankrupt. Now, today ... in such a short space of time, Angela has a new home, a great relationship with her children, a new mission driven career and a new loving man. Even though she still has to manage shared custody with the narcissist, her life reflects no resemblance to what happened to her. In this interview you will learn all about Angela's journey from being victimised, and living as a martyr, to empowering her