Infinite Gain Productions




Jennie gets banned from covering the Lakers, Sarah confronts the bridesmaids dress from hell, and young Ptolemy endures the terror of Jazz Dance. Special thanks to Alex Cook for the amazing music! MP3 Show Notes: Form: The 3fer: Three people, three stories, one theme and let’s see if they connect. Theme: Humiliated The music: “Unlocked Door” and “Mountain Prelude” used by permission of Alex Cook. Did you know Alex is going to be on the show in two weeks? You should check out his music, so you’re fully prepared for his amazing story. If you want to hear the complete songs, check out Alex Cook’s bandcamp page and his website Stonebalancer Storytellers: Ptolemy Slocum is an actor and director of The Nerdist School. You’ve seen him on the final season of The Wire, the final season of The Sopranos, last season of Veep, and so much more.  Check out his imdb page Sarah Parsons is a video storyteller for Yahoo! She produced the award-winning video “Guardians of the Golden Gate Bridge” Go watch some fun stuff on Yah